Friday, September 30, 2011

Reflection on Education- Blog 1

If anything, this class has helped open my eyes to just how important technology is to ehancing students' educational opportunities. Please let me know if you feel this way as well. To speak on the collaborative and communicable components of technology, in my opinion, is to be speaking on the MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF TECHNOLOGY in reference to its educational purposes. I feel as though the interactive and collaborative components of certain technologies, such as blogs, livejournals, video chats, even email, can be highly educational, effective, and beneficial to ones learning experience.
As stated in the following article ( ) blogging is considered one of the most beautiful tools in the world beacsue it provides us with and allows us to have the "most magical thing", communication with others. When you think about it, if we were not able to communicate with one another, no one would be able to learn ANYTHING. The technological advances of our time have allowed for an endless amount of communicable opportunities, both near and far. Now that these opportunities are being brought into the classroom, students will be able to use their knowledge of technology to explore concepts, state opinions, discuss ideas and further their education with their peers.
When I think back to my own educational experience, there was little inclusion of technology, with an even lesser emphasis on cooperative learning and communication. I believe that this has hindered me somewhat because I am not as tech savvy as I should be. Also, I feel as though I was out of the loop for quite sometimes with certain social networking sites. I also may go as far as to say that I never got a lot of practice with typing, and thus my words per minute score could use some work. Therefore, I think that technology should always try to be included in the classroom. This class has made me realize the imprtant factors that technology has to offer in an ecucational context. Using blogging as a way for students to reflect on a lesson, or as a mode of cooperative learning will most definitely be used in my classroom, and should be included in ALL classrooms. With all that technology has to offer, there is no reason that a capable educator should NOT be able to find a way to incorporate it into a majority of his or her lessons.

Check out these links for a laugh or two:

And check this out for an awesome blogging lesson plan idea that I have actually used in a classroom and the kids love it!:


  1. Hi Sammi,

    It is nice to see your post here. I agree with what you wrote, especially the parts of "communication and education" and "technology in an educational context". I think one of the biggest advantages technology brought to people is that much more possibilities to communication, as you emphasized, I think this is the essential of the whole education process! Technology does not mean to learn things by oneself, however, it means a much broader concepts of communication and even knowledge. Future more, speaking to "educational context", I must say it is also what the most important I learned from this course. Almost being living in various digital tools everyday, but rarely thinking about how would technology connect to education, in a more conscious way. And it is critical actually for every educator today, we all know that.

    BTW, I am glad to see your own experiences and changes in digital era. :)


  2. Sammi, great links. The one with the puppets on YouTube is hilarious. I agree growing up using computers was like a GREAT day! I remember when we first got our computer lab and I was in first grade. It was our favorite period and we couldn't believe they were letting us "play games" even though they were educational. I don't think there was much potential for learning then, but there is now and it will be out job to find ways to do it.

  3. I like the videoblog and first grade iPadders.
